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Beef Jerky




Jerky is a quick and practical way of preserving caribou, moose or other game meat. It can be carried along on trips to eat uncooked,
or it can be cut into paper thin slices and boiled, or added to a milk sauce and served on hot biscuits.

 Sun Dried Jerky

Cut fresh meat into long thin strips, one inch wide. Rub strips with garlic or salt if desired. Dry in the sun as quickly as possible by
hanging over a line. Do not let the strips touch. Store in a dry place in clean jars or baggies.

 Cold Brined Jerky

Cut meat lengthwise to the grain into strips an inch thick, about 1 ½ inches wide, and as long as you can make them.
Put the strips into a wooden barrel or non-metallic container and cover with a sweet pickle brine or corning solution for three days.
Hang the meat over a line to drip for 24 hours in a dry place indoors.
Do not let the strips touch. The jerky will continue to dry as long as it is exposed to the air, therefore it should taken down and
put away in an air-tight as soon as it is dried to your liking. A light smoke will add to the flavour and help preserve the meat.

 Hot Brined Jerky

Hot brined is made in much the same way, except that the meat is cut into finer strips like shoe-string potatoes, and salted in a hot brine.
The hot solution is made by adding salt to the boiling water until no more can be dissolved. Dip strips into the hot brine until they turn white,
which will take about 5 minutes. Then string them up to dry and handle the same way as cold brined jerky.